Monday, May 09, 2005

dancing along with life, storing treasures for eternity while i can

hear thee roar
hear me roar
the lion of judah stands knocking on your door.
deep oceans of love pouring forth from jars of clay
The saviour came from heaven to earth
died on the tree
for you me
him and her,
He died to take away our sins, wash us clean
so that we may stand rigteous before Him who made us all
The Lord God, the Almighty
That is His name, the I AM
crucified, He took our sins
He nailed our brokeness pain and death
to the wooden tree.
generations through generations,
His mercy, grace, love, and salvation remains.
how awesome is that
let us magnify His name!

So many others,
people across nations tribes
and different languages
have made entries, each on their own
about this mysterious gift.
scribbling notes or painting pictures
in dot points, paper journals

from the moment we start breathing
God sees us.
from that moment on,
we propel through time
through flashes of seconds rushing by
with minutes blinking foward towards
day after day
that led on to month upon month
that painted sceneries of our years of our lives
in our picture book
of memories, thoughts.
im sure you have your own sketches of
what you think life is
or maybe you're sitting clueless
still wavering
not giving a damn.

"You don’t think about dying when you are just starting to live..And yet in the midst of all of this grief, despair and pain, there is the power of hope. I did not understand hope until that moment. Hope of the resurrection became more than just a spiritual concept; it became something I longed for. I have the hope that indeed he and I and everyone who will die in Christ will rise in Him as well. This is the hope that I live with now, even though I don’t understand it. I am made for eternity, not as a liquid spirit but as a solid, beautiful creation of God.

There is also the hope that even today Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He is resurrecting in me the areas that died that day. He has promised to be life to me as I believe in Him. Though I still don’t understand what death will be like, I can’t say that I fear death as an enemy. It is now toothless and under submission to Christ. It has lost all victory over me. Every moment as I walk toward it, I see it shrinking back in fear. Death does not fear me but fears what Christ shall do in me as I pass from life to death to life again.
curteousy of relevant magazine.

Here are some qoutable qoutes from the very manual of God's instructions for life. Why don't you check them out for yourselves? feel free to leave your comments about what you think of God, of life. random words, anything you want. leave questions that have been hogging your mind. let's have a discussion roll. it dont matter if we dont know each other. anyone from anywhere leave your thoughts here to rest. All comments welcome!
tell you what, i'll leave the words from God below this post alright? again, feel free to say whatever.


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